Nancy M Raabe
Nancy Raabe 2018
Rev Nancy M Raabe


Additional materials available to you
Weekly Meditations

3.29.20 Lent 5A, Invoke the Spirit  read it
3.22.20 Lent 4A, See the Future  read it
3.15.20 Lent 3A, Facing Fear read it
3.8.20 Lent 2A, Doubt and Spiritual Growth  read it
3.1.20 Lent 1A, Overcoming Temptations read it
2.26.20 Ash Wednesday, Repentance and Reconciliation  read it
2.23.20 Transfiguration of Our Lord, Up On the Mountaintop  read it
2.16.20 Epiphany 6A, Choose a Life of Service to Others  read it
2.9.20 Epiphany 5A, Show Your Saltiness  read it
2.2.20 Epiphany 4A, Justice, Kindness, Humility   read it
1.26.20 Epiphany 3A, Pathways in the Dark   read it
1.19.20 ML King Day, Our Destiny of Love read it
1.12.20 Baptism of Our Lord, Clothed With Christ  read it
1.5.20 Epiphany of Our Lord, Follow the Light  read it

12.24.19 Christmas Eve, Hear the Angels Sing read it
12.22.19 Advent 4A, Brightness in the Dark  read it
12.15.19 Advent 3A, Rejoice and Hope   read it
3.24.19 Lent 3C, Just One More Year read it
3.17.19 Lent 2C, Outfoxing the Foxes  read it
3.3.19 Transfiguration, Changed from Glory Into Glory  read it
2.24.19 Epiphany 7C, Holy Encounters  read it
2.17.19 Epiphany 6C, Kingdom Living  read it
2.10.19 Epiphany 5C, Catching People (Alive)   read it
2.3.19 Epiphany 4C, Signs of Love read it


12.25.18  Christmas Day, Cosmic Considerations  read it
12.24.18 Christmas Eve, Heavenly Peace  read it
9.9.18 Pentecost 16B, Abundance of God's Love  read it
9.2.18 Pentecost 15B, God Does Not Exclude  read it
8.19.18 Pentecost 13B, Transparency and Trust  read it
8.12.18 Pentecost 12B, Darkness into Light 
8.5.18 Pentecost 11B, Full of Surprises  read it
7.29.18 Pentecost 10B, The Abundance Mindset  read it
7.22.18 Pentecost 9B, Spend Some Time in the Desert  read it 
7.15.18 Pentecost 8B, What's Your Plumb Line?  read it
7.8.18 Pentecost 7B, Resist the Hardened Heart -- Move On  read it it
6.24.18 Pentecost 5B, Taking on the Storm read it
6.17.18 Pentecost 4B, The Mighty Mustard Seed read it
6.10.18 Pentecost 3B, Tying Up the Strong Man read it
6.3.18 Pentecost 2B, Peace and Reconciliation read it
5.20.18 Day of Pentecost, Let the Spirit Work read it

2017 2016

Christ the King, Matthew 25:31-46  pdf Christmas Day, John 1:1-14  pdf
Pentecost 24A, Matthew 25:14-30  pdf Christmas Eve, Luke 2:1-2pdf
Pentecost 23A, Matthew 25:1-13  pdf Advent 3A, Matthew 11:2-11  pdf
All Saints Day, Matthew 5:1-12  pdf Advent 2A, Isaiah 11:1-10  pdf
Reformation 500, Romans 3:19-28  pdf Advent 1A, Isaiah 2:1-5  pdf
Pentecost 20A, Matthew 22:15-22  pdf Christ the King, Luke 23:33-43  pdf
Pentecost 19A, Matthew 22:1-14  pdf Pentecost 26C, Luke 21:5-19  pdf
Pentecost 18A, Matthew 21:33-46  pdf All Saints Day, Luke 6:20-31  pdf
Pentecost 17A, Phillipians 2:1-13  pdf Reformation, Romans 3:19-28  pdf
Pentecost 14A, Romans 13:8-14  pdf Pentecost 23C, Luke 18:9-14  pdf
Pentecost 12A, Matthew 16:13-20  pdf Pentecost 22C, Luke 18:1-8  pdf
Pentecost 11A, Isaiah 56:1,6-8  pdf Pentecost 21C, 2 Kings 5:1-15  pdf
Pentecost 10A, Matthew 14:22-33  pdf Pentecost 19C, Luke 16:19-31  pdf
Pentecost 9A, Isaiah 55:1-5  pdf Pentecost 18C, Luke 16:1-13  pdf
Pentecost 8A, Romans 8:26-39  pdf Pentecost 17C, Luke 15:1-10  pdf
Pentecost 7A, Romans 8:12-25  pdf Pentecost 14C, Isaiah 58:9b-14  pdf
Pentecost 6A, Matthew 13:1-9,18-23  pdf Pentecost 13C, Luke 12:49-56  pdf
Pentecost 5A, Romans 7:15-25a  pdf Pentecost 12C, Luke 12:32-40  pdf
Pentecost 4A, Matthew 10:40-42  pdf Pentecost 11C, Luke 12:13-21  pdf
Pentecost 3A, Jeremiah 20:7-13  pdf Pentecost 10C, Lord's Prayer  pdf
Pentecost 2A, Exodus 19:2-8a  pdf Pentecost 9C, Ephesians 6:12  pdf
Trinity Sunday, Genesis 1:1-2:4a  pdf Pentecost 7C, Psalm 123  pdf
Day of Pentecost, Acts 2:1-21  pdf   Pentecost 6C, Galatians 5  pdf
Ascension, Luke 24:44-53  pdf Pentecost 5C, Galatians 3  pdf
Easter 6A, John 14:15-21  pdf Pentecost 4C, Romans 5  pdf
Easter 5A, John 14:1-14  pdf Pentecost 3C, Psalm 30:11  pdf
Lent 5A, John 11:1-45  pdf Pentecost 2C, Luke 7:1-10  pdf
Lent 4A, John 9:1-42  pdf Trinity Sunday, Romans 5:1-5  pdf
Lent 3A, John 4:5-42  pdf Day of Pentecost, John 14:8-17  pdf
Lent 2A, John 3:1-17  pdf Easter 7C, Revelation 22:17  pdf
Transfiguration, 2 Peter 1:16-21  pdf
Epiphany 7A, 1 Corinthians 3:10-23  pdf
Epiphany 6A, Matthew 5:21-37  pdf
Epiphany 5A, Matthew 5:13-20  pdf
Epiphany 4A, Matthew 5:1-12  pdf
Epiphany 3A, Matthew 4:12-23  pdf
Epiphany 2A, John 1:29-42  pdf
Baptism of Our Lord, Matthew 3:13-22  pdf 
Christmas 1A, Matthew 2:13-23  pdf 

Nancy M Raabe
Pastor, Church Musician
Philadelphia PA