Nancy M Raabe

Piano Collections

Nancy M Raabe has published several collections of piano reflections of original tunes and of hymn and anthem material by other composers.



LSB Piano Prelude Series, CPH

Just As I Am (Woodworth), 2024 catalog 977843

Your Table I Approach, The Man Is Ever Blessed (St Michael), 2023 catalog 977841

O Jesus So Sweet (O Jesulein Suess), 2022 catalog 977839

We Praise You, O God (Kremser), 2021 catalog 977837

Oh, Worship the King (Hanover), 2020 catalog 977836

Let It Rip! Piano Volume 3

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781506496108 (2024)

Come Thou, O Traveler Unknown/We Cannot    Candler

  Measure How You Heal/When Eyes That

  Once We Knew As Keen

In Thee Is Gladness/Day of Delight and             In Dir Ist Freude

  Beauty Unbounded

Making Their Way/What Is This Place                Komt nu met zang

Joyful Is the Dark                        Lindner

Where Shepherds Lately Knelt                          Manger Song

Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 8

Songs of Lament and Longing

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781506413679 (2016)

Ah, Holy Jesus                                                 Herzliebster Jesu    VIDEO

Bring Peace to Earth Again                               Pace mio Dio   VIDEO

God, My Lord, My Strength                               Pan Buh

Great God, Your Love Has Called Us                 Ryburn

How Long, O God?                                            Land of Rest

In Deepest Night                                              Deep Blue

Once We Sang and Danced                               Kas dziedaja    VIDEO

Out of the Depths I Cry to You                         Aus Tiefer Not

Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us                      Bradbury   VIDEO

Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness                  Schmucke dich

      Now We Join in Celebration  

That Priceless Grace                                        That Priceless Grace

You Who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord        On Eagle's Wings

      On Eagle's Wings

Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 7

The Christmas Cycle

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781451499124 (2015)

    In memory of Mary Cooke Miller

Angels We Have Heard on High                        Gloria  

Cold December Flies Away                    El desembre congelat    VIDEO 

Fling Wide the Door, Unto Us a Child Is Born    Macht hoch die Tur

                                                                        Puer nobis nascitur

God Rest You Merry                                          God Rest You Merry

I Wonder As I Wander                                       I Wonder 

O Morning Star                                                 Wie schoen leuchtet

Rejoice, Rejoice Believers, Come Now             Haf trones lampa fardig

    O Prince of Peace                                        Ososo

Silent Night                                                      Stille Nacht

Sing Lullaby!                                                    Oi Betleemm

The First Noel                                                  The First Nowell

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day                  My Dancing Day    VIDEO

Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 6

Songs of Heaven -- includes composer notes

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781451479621 (2013)


Christ, Mighty Savior                                      Innisfree Farm

Evening and Morning                                      Die guldne Sonne

Heaven is Singing for Joy                                Alegria

Holy God, We Praise Your Name                      Grosser Gott

In Heaven Above                                            I himmelen, i himmelen

In Thee is Gladness                                          In dir ist Freude

Let Our Gladness Have No End                        Narodil se Kristus Pan

My Life Flows On in Endless Song            How Can I Keep from Singing   VIDEO at 49:20

Our Father, God in Heaven Above                   Vater Unser

Sing With All the Saints in Glory                     Mississippi

There's a Wideness in God's Mercy                   St Helena    VIDEO


Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 5  Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781451451788 (2012)


All Depends on Our Possessing                         Alles Ist an Gottes Segen

Awake, My Heart, with Gladness                      Auf, Auf, Mein Herz

Canticle of the Turning                                    Star of County Down

Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us                   Hyfrydol   VIDEO

O God, Our Help in Ages Past                          St Anne

O Living Breath of God                                      Varvindar Friska

Shepherd Songs                                              St Columba/Resignation    VIDEO

Voices Raised to You                                       Song of Praise


Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 4:  Word and Meal  Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781451420883 (2011)


God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens       Holy Manna

    Dedicated to John Carter

Hallelujah!  We Sing Your Praises                     Haleluya! Pelo Tsa Rona    VIDEO

Here is Bread                                                   Here is Bread    VIDEO

    Dedicated to Peter Ray

I Come With Joy                                               Dove of Peace

    Dedicated to Mary Kay Beall

I Received the Living God                                 Living God

    Dedicated to Carol Ann Spencer

Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen /

    Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven             Surge Ecclesia / Lauda Anima  

    Dedicated to Donald Busarow

Soli Deo Gloria                                                 Soli Deo Gloria

    Dedicated to Mark Pinnick

Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness                 Canto a Borinquen

    Dedicated to Lucas Weiss

Thee We Adore, O Savior                                 Adoro te devote

    Dedicated to Lisa Dahill

The Word of God Is Source and Seed                Gaudeamus Domino   VIDEO

    Dedicated to Cindy Tilghman

In Heaven Above:  Piano Music for Funerals and Memorials

Augsburg Fortress   catalog 9781451401912   (2011)

Behold the Host Arrayed in White      Den Store Hvide Flok

His Eye Is On the Sparrow                 Sparrow   VIDEO

    Dedicated to Ella Jassie, Anne Arrasmith

Jesus, Still Lead On                          Seelenbrautigam

My Faith Looks Up to Thee                Olivet

How Good It Is To Praise The Lord:  Piano Settings of Carl Schalk Hymn Tunes

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9781451401165



As the Dark Awaits the Dawn                        Lucent    VIDEO

As the Sun with Longer Journey                   Nagel

Before the Marvel of This Night                    Marvel

Day of Arising                                               Raabe   VIDEO

God of the Sparrow                                      Roeder

How Good, God Said and Blessed The Two /

    How Good It is to Praise the Lord             Benison

Now the Silence                                           Now

O Christ the Same                                        Red Hill Road

On Christmas Morning Children Sing            Aaron Michael   VIDEO

Sing, My Tongue                                          Fortunatus New   VIDEO

Thine the Amen                                           Thine    VIDEO

Where Shepherds Lately Knelt                     Manger Song


Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 3

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 97808066796959  (2009)


All Earth is Hopeful                                       Toda la Tierra

All Things Bright and Beautiful /                     Royal Oak / Dix

    For the Beauty of the Earth

Beautiful Savior                                            Schoenster Herr Jesu    VIDEO

Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love                  Chereponi

Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus                          Lasset uns mit Jesu Ziehen   VIDEO

My Faith Looks Up To Thee                            Olivet    VIDEO at 51:30

Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me                             Toplady

The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came             Gabriel's Message

The Old Rugged Cross                                    The Old Rugged Cross

You Are Holy                                                 Du Ar Helig


Piano Plus, Through the Year, Volume 2

Augsburg Fortress   Catalog 9780800663728   (2009)

Be Thou My Vision                            Slane

Lord of All Hopefulness

Holy God, Holy and Glorious              Nelson   VIDEO

Take My Life, That I May Be              Toma mi voluntad

Toma, oh Dios, mi voluntad

Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano, Volume 2

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9780800679019  (2008)


Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia                                Mfurahini, Haleluya

Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading                   Njoo Kwetu, Roho Mwema

I Love to Tell the Story                                   Hankey   VIDEO

    Dedicated to Brad Hall

I Want Jesus to Walk With Me                          Sojourner     VIDEO at 3:15

Light Dawns on a Weary World                        Temple of Peace

    Dedicated to Robert Derrick Henry

O Beautiful for Spacious Skies                          Materna

O Day of Rest and Gladness /                           Ellacombe

    The Day of Resurrection    

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded /                      Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen

    O God, Why Are You Silent

Shall We Gather at the River                           Hanson Place   VIDEO

The Son of God, Our Christ                             Sursum Corda    LISTEN

This Little Light of Mine                                  This Joy


Day Of Arising:  A Tapestry of Musical Traditions

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9780800637460  (2006)


Forgive our Sins As We Forgive                        Detroit   VIDEO

Come You Faithful, Raise the Strain                  Gaudeamus Pariter

Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending               Helmsley    VIDEO

    Dedicated to Dana Ruth Raabe

His Eye Is On the Sparrow                                Sparrow

    Dedicated to Ella Jassie, Anne Arrasmith

Day of Arising                                                  Raabe   VIDEO

    Dedicated to William Raabe

Jesus Still Lead On                                          Seelenbrautigam

Be Thou My Vision                                           Slane

    Dedicated to Alice Parker

Softly and Tenderly                                         Thompson

German Hymn Medley                                      Von Himmel Hoch / Ein Feste Burg /

                                                                        In dir ist Freude

Come Holy Ghost                                            Veni Creator Spiritus    VIDEO

What Wondrous Love                                      Wondrous Love

    Dedicated to Walter R Bouman


Grace and Peace:  Hymn Portraits for Piano

Augsburg Fortress  catalog 9780800677602  (2005)

There is a Balm in Gilead                                 Balm in Gilead

People Look East                                            Besancon

What a Friend We Have in Jesus                      Converse

    Dedicated to Myrtle Brown

Bright and Glorious is the Sky /                        Dejlig er den Himmel blaa /

    O Morning Star                                               Wie Schoen Leuchtet

Abide With Me                                                Eventide

Praise the Spirit in Creation                             Julion

Built on a Rock                                                Kirken der er et gammelt hus    VIDEO

    Dedicated to Michael and Beth Root

Jerusalem My Happy Home                               Land of Rest

    Dedicated to Han van den Blink

Oh That I Had a Thousand Voices                      O dass ich tausend

    Dedicated to May Schwarz

Let All Mortal Flesh                                          Picardy

The HIlls are Bare at Bethlehem                        Prospect

    Dedicated to Wilbur Held

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross                   Rockingham Old

    Dedicated to Melinda Quivik

On Christmas Night                                          Sussex Carol


Nancy Raabe 2022
Rev Nancy M Raabe
Grace and Peace 8
Grace and Peace 8 Songs of Lament and Longing
Grace and Peace Vol 7 Christmas
Grace and Peace Vol 6
Grace and Peace Vol 6 Songs of Heaven

Grace and Peace vol 5
Grace and Peace Vol 5

Vol 4:  Word and Meal
Grace and Peace Vol 4: Word and Meal

Piano for Funerals, Memorials
In Heaven Above: Piano for Funerals
Carl Schalk Hymns
How Good It Is to Praise the Lord






Grace and Peace, volume III
Grace and Peace Vol 3
Piano and Treble Instrument
Piano Plus II: Piano plus Instrument
Grace and Peace, volume II
Grace and Peace Vol 2


Day of Arising, Musical Tapestry
Day of Arising




Grace and Peace, volume I
Grace and Peace









Nancy M Raabe

Pastor, Church Musician

Philadelphia PA