Nancy M Raabe
Books, Articles, Presentations

Rev Nancy M Raabe has shared her ideas through books, articles, and presentatuions. This list is not all-inclusive.

BOOKS Nancy's books at Amazon

Carl F Schalk: A Life in Song

Nancy M Raabe   (2013)

A critical biography of the leading aithority on Lutheran church music. Anecdotes, interviews, and opinions about the hymns, litirgy, and worship life of the church.

In November 2015, Nancy Raabe received the Award of the Concordia Historical Institute, recognizing the importance of this book in carrying forward the legacy of the Lutheran Church in this country.

Concordia Publishing  Catalog 992276   KINDLE EDITION 

One-Minute Devotions for the Church Musician, Cycle C  (2012)  MorningStar Music  Catalog 90-47

One-Minute Devotions for the Church Musician, Cycle B  (2011)  MorningStar Music  Catalog 90-46

One-Minute Devotions for the Church Musician, Cycle A  (2010)  MorningStar Music  Catalog 90-45

Reflections for the church musician on the scritures designated for the Revised Common Lectionary. Choose Cycle A, B, and/or C. Most useful as choir devotionals or as the musician's personal devotions.  REVIEWS

Alleluia!  In Thanksgiving for the Life of Walter R. Bouman

Nancy M Raabe  and  Ann M Haut, eds  (2015)

A Gedenkschrift in celebration of Dr Bouman, on the tenth anniversary of his death.


Seeking God:  Meaning and Metaphor in Gustav Mahler's Symphony 3 
Nancy M Raabe, Trinity Lutheran Seminary (OH) (2007)


Column, Faith Matters, Lansdale PA Reporter

"'Understanding Who Jesus Is", 2025   Read

"'One Little Word' Can Guide Us", 2024  Read

"A Post-Easter World"2024   Read

"Reorientation of Lent"2024   Read

"Be Born In Us Today"2023  Read

"Embracing the Power of Prayer"2023  Read

"Jesus Is Calling"2023  Read

"The Greatest Story Ever Told", 2023  Read

"Dust, the Invitation of Lent", 2023  Read

"Embrace Both Sides Of Christmas Hymn Lyrics ", 2022  Read

"Grief and Loss: Shattering the Myth of 'Why' " 2022  Read

"Christian Funerals and the Perspective of Faith", 2022  Read

"Always Here For You", 2022  Read

"Easter Season Reminds Us To Have Faith", 2022  Read $
"Why Churches Should Keep Their Online Services", 2022  Read $

"Genuine American:  The Music of Charles W. Ore"

William A Raabe co-author, in Charles W. Ore:  An American Original
Lutheran University Press, catalog 9781942304197, 2017

"The Hymnal: Our Great Body of Song"

CrossAccent, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, 2015  

Download pdf

"Remembering Wilbur Held"

Essay, featured in The Wilbur Held Organ Collection:  A Centenary Edition, Morningstar Music, catalog 10-932, 2015 
Reprinted with pictures in The Diapason (5/15)

"Dying and Living"

in Alleluia: In Thanksgiving for the Life of Walter R Bouman, Lutheran University Press, catalog 9781942304111, 2015  

"Worship Supplement 1969:  The Vatican II of Lutheran Worship?"

CrossAccent, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, 2013  

Download pdf

"Music of the Church:  An End to Division?"

Take Note column, CrossAccent, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, 2013 Download pdf

"Toward a Scripture-Based Theology of Death in Our Hymnody"

CrossAccent, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, 2007  

Download pdf

"Closing the Melodramatic Book on the Mahler 10th"

New York Times, Arts Section, Sunday April 15, 2001

"Mahler the Christian:  Mahler's Testament to the Abiding Unity of God and Nature"

New York Times, Arts Section page 1, Sunday August 1, 1999


"Revealing Mozart's Brassiness"

New York Times, Sunday July 10, 1994

"Playing Sleuth on Behalf of Mozart"

New York TimesArts Section, Sunday July 14, 1991

"Tempo in Mahler as Recollected by Natalie Bauer-Lechner"

Performance Practice Review, Spring 1990

"The Underlying Dimension in Mahler's Music"

Keynote, July 1985



Keynote Speaker, "Renewing Worship From Within," ELCA SW Pennsylvania Synod Rostered Leaders, Theological Convocation  Brochure

Keeping the church's worship life energized and evolving, while remaining committed to Lutheran traditions and resources. 

October 2023

Music for the Baptismal Rite

Nancy M Raabe, Featured Composer             INTRO

Institute for Liturgical Studies, Valparaiso University

Hymn, anthems, liturgical works to use in the service

April 2018

"A New Creation:  Preparing New Music for Your Parish"

Nancy M Raabe, Presenter

Panel, Good Shepherd Institute, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne IN

How the commissioning of hymns, anthems, and other new musical pieces can enhance worship.

November 2015

Church Music Institute, Shenandoah University Conservatory

Nancy M Raabe, Featured Clinician

"Hymnology and Faith Formation"
Hymns about Heaven Hymns about Death
Hymns about the Sacraments Hymns about the Trinity
Hymns about Vocation and the Ministry

June 2013

"Listen, God is Calling (and Trending)"

Nancy M Raabe, Presenter

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, national conference

How the world of communications has affected our understanding of ministry.  Tips and tools to faithfully discern which resources hinder us, which can help us, and which still need to be invented.

July 2013

Lectures in Church Music, Concordia University Chicago
Nancy M Raabe, Presenter

Workshop, "The Song of Proclamation:  Using the Lectionary to Guide the Music Used in Worship"

Banquet Speaker, "Listen, God is Calling (and Tweeting)"

Workshop, "The Composer's Voice in Hymntune Writing"

October 2012

"The Psalms in Our Worship Life:  Why We Can't Live Without Them"
Nancy M Raabe, Presenter

SynodFest, the Southern Ohio Synod of the ELCA.  Handout

A workshop that explored the indispensability of the Psalms in our spiritual lives, and in experiencing the fullness of the lectionary.

June 2012

"A Lutheran Requiem?  A Christian Funeral Liturgy"

Life Is Ours Eternally

Nancy M Raabe, presenter  Slides

Institute for Liturgical Studies, Valparaiso University

April 2010

"Breathing Life Into the Liturgy"

Empowering lay leaders to plan and lead vital, vibrant worship

Linda Kempke and Nancy Raabe, presenters

Trinity Lutheran Seminary Academy, Cleveland

February 2008

"Listening to Music Theologically"

Nancy M Raabe, presenter

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians,

Leadership Program for Musicians

July 2006

Nancy Raabe 10.23
Rev Nancy M Raabe
Carl F Schalk, A Life in Song
November 2013, CTSFW
Nancy Raabe Book Signing, 2013
One-Minute Devotions for the Church Musician, Cycle C, MorningStar Music
One Minute Devotions Cycle C
One-Minute Devotions, Cycle B, MorningStar Music
One Minute Devotions Cycle B
One-Minute Devotions, cycle A
One Minute Devotions Cycle A
Bouman Alleluia
Alleluia for Walter R Bouman
2018 ILS
Intro, Music for Baptism Liturgy
2010 ILS
Slides, Life Is Ours, Eternally

Click here for Nancy Raabe's concordance of Lutheran hymns among TLH, SBH, WS, LBW, and LW.  This was referenced in an article by Pastor Raabe in the ALCM Cross Accent.




Nancy M Raabe

Pastor, Church Musician

Philadelphia PA